• Les clichés écossais

    Salut, je m'appelle Finlay, je suis anglais et ma mere est irlandaise et mon pere est écossais.
    j'ai habité dix ans a Londres et apres j'ai déménagé avec ma famille et on a habité a Chamonix, en France.

    Je vais vous parler des stéréotypes écossais:
    les écossais portent toujours des quilts, ils ont tous des accents forts et et ils sont tous courageux (comme Braveheart).
    Ils ne mangent que des vaches et des mountons et ils boivent toujours du wisky. Tous les écossais habitent dans les montagnes.
    Beaucoup de personnes pensent qu'il pleut toujours en Écosse, c'est vrai. 

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  • Bonjour je m'appelle Theo. J'ai 13 ans. Je suis moitie americain moitie francais. En classe nous avons parle des stereotypes. Voici les stereotypes americains:

    les americian on tous un petit bidon. ils ne mange qu'au restaurant fast-food. Ils ne cuisinent pas.  Tous les americain ont des enorme maison avec unegrande piscine. Quand ils vont en voyage ils portent un t-shirt our pull avec un symbole americian. Ils se sent facilement chez lui. Les Americain parle tres fort. Ils sont generalment gentile, communique et aimable. La majorite porte des tennis avec des chausettes vive. les Americain portent des short large et carreaux. Ils portent une cassquette de baseball ou de american football. Ils boive beaucoup de biere et ils adoredes BBQ. Et en derrnier les portent des grande montre.

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  • Bob spent 3 months with us, for English conversation classes with 8th and 9th graders.Read his portrait by the 3èmes AB (grade 9) and you'll understand why we will miss him!

    Do you want to know more about Beloved Bob? Read his portrait in 26 letters!

     Bob's portrait in 26 letters !


    • for America where he comes from , and for Action films, that he's crazy about !


    • for Bobby, his facebook nickname,
    •  Breakfast, which he often skips !
    • Beer, which he (rarely) drinks,
    • his Blue eyes (that's what is written on his driver's licence)and for
    •  ...Broke ! (He can't afford going to the cinema at the moment)!


    • for Cheaster !!! He's not very religious but he's a cheaster : he's only religious at Christmas and Easter time because he loves presents and chocolate eggs !
    •  for Criminal Justice, which he studies.
    • For Cheese steak, a speciality at his local fastfood restaurant in Philadelphia. But he doesn't like French cheese,he only likes processed cheese. And he asks for cheese steaks WITHOUT the cheese...We knew Americans were a bit difficult at times...
    • And C for...Cats : he loves them ! There is a picture of him and his cat on facebook, that's how you can identify the true Bobby Langerfeld!


    • for Drugs which he will never take because as he wants to work for the police he will have to undergo a lie detecting test and he can't lie! Good thing Bob!


    • for eye contact : he says French people don't make eye contact in the street. It's a "mind your own business"attitude.



    • for French food which he thinks is sometimes weird,like snails and frogs !


    • for Gene , his father. He's a computer programmer, and a true role model for him!


    • for host family : they live in Saint Herblain, he thinks they're really nice !And for Halo, his favourite video game.


    • for Independant : he's neither Republican, nor Democrat. He's independant, he can sway either way.
    • for Individual desk : each student has got an individual desk in the US.
    • And for....Intouchables!! He didn't see it but he would really love to!


    • for Justice ! He'd like to have a job that has something to do with justice.


    • for Kebab : there are no kebabs in the US but Bob would like to start the first Kebab shop there! To each  his own  American dream, Bob! Good luck!  
    • And for Kristen, his sister, who is an English teacher.


    • for Law School , which he finds very hard. And he wouldn't like to be a lawyer anyway.


    • for Mac Donald's portions which are much bigger in the US.
    • And for Matt Damon , his favourite actor.


    • for Nathalie Portman, his favourite actress and
    • for Nancy, his mother, who is a Nurse.


    • for Obama, whom he voted for in the last elections .Because he found Romney was going  a bit crazy at the end, even if he thought he had better economic ideas.


    • for Philadelphia, where he comes from. Or Pensylvania,the state Philadelphia is the capital city of.


    for the Quantity of stupid things he sometimes does ?


    • for Robert, his full name .
    • for Rescue teams he wishes to enter, as he would like to rescue lost campers.
    • for Responsible, because he thinks French students are more responsible than US ones!


    • for Skate boarding , he's so fond of it!!!


    • for Twenty-one, because that's how old he is! Big guy!



    • for United States!



    • for Video games !His other favourite one is Call of Duty.


    • for Willis (Bruce), his favourite actor! (He could have picked out a better one...)
    • Or for Whinte Wine: the only wine he likes.


    • for XXL? The size of the Big Macs he likes?


    • for You tube where he watches a lot of videos.



    • for Zorro? That's what he surely dreams of becoming if  he enters the police !!!








    2 commentaires
  •    En Irlande, on dit qu'il pleut souvent...

       mais ce n'est pas toujours vrai!

       Il fait parfois très beau!!!



    4 commentaires
  • Water in my city !

    In Nantes, where I live, there is a lot of water .There is a big river ,the Loire, which  flows through it  and into the Atlantic Ocean.  We can’t swim in this water because it’s too polluted .There is no sea in Nantes and not any beach but there is a little artificial beach .




    In my city there are a lot of city parks, one of these parks has  a long and narrow river , called the Chezine but you can’t see it  all the time and in winter it’s frozen .The Chezine flows into  the Loire .   





    Ryann P

       Ryann P.


     Blue Gold



    For me, water is very important for life on earth (as the air or the sun). That’s why we have to preserve it.


    I’ve chosen this picture because the color of water is so mysterious. In some countries, people call it “Blue Gold”, because it’s precious and rare like gold. I like to admire the landscape when water covers the fields and shines under the sun. It’s really like blue gold.


    I like to use water for pleasure: to swim, to surf, to sail, to fish, to have fun and not only for my daily needs. But I know, I have to take care of it because in some countries (such as Kenya), people walk for a long time to reach a water pump, just for drinking and cooking.


     I think everybody in the world should be better informed about the     importance of water. In our country, we think that fresh water will never disappear, but we are wrong because there’s only 3% in the world.


    If we want to help people that need water, we have to invent quickly solutions to save it.


    Raoul C.


    Water is important for life

    Never mind the price.

    We can take the example of African countries 

    Who suffer from starvation because they don't 

    Have enough water for the vegetables 

    So they can't grow their own cereals.

    With water they won't be 

    So many people who will die.

    Some NGOs build some wells

    To help people have water.

    We must save water:

    For example don’t wash your car often

    And water your garden only if needed.

    Saving water is saving life.


    Paul B 










                               ALL WE NEED IS                                 WATER !




    Rivers flow down the country
    Water flows and feeds the sun

    Reflecting on it 
    Waterfalls spread their melody 
    The symphony of tears...
    Across the water
    Through the deep
    To find the blueish shores 
    Look at the stars mirrored on the water
    I sink into a dream...
    Whenever you are angry
    Look at the sea and think about something else..
    This lake asleep made me dream... 




     A tribute to water!


                               ALL WE NEED IS                                 WATER !


    The picture shows a waterfall in Scotland.

    It's Victoria Falls next to the Loch Maree.

    Water can do so much !

    It can become ice and steam.

      Ice can become snow,hail and glaciers.

      Steam can create clouds and fog.

    Water can create streams then rivers , seas and oceans.

    A lot of animals live next to lakes, ponds and rivers.

    Water gives life but it can take it back too!

    Water can create floods and tidal waves.

    A lot of animals live in water and even the biggest ones!

    Water can be noisy or silent, cold or hot, cloudy or crystal clear, fresh or salty.


    Julien Guillot and Mathéo La Torre






    Before I thought water was a common thing we could have forever. Next I learned water is precious and even if there is always the same quantity of water on the earth, drinking freshwater stays rare and precious. This world map shows that only rich and northern countries have a lot of drinking water.



    Drinking water in the world...

    Arthur B H






                               ALL WE NEED IS                                 WATER !



    Water is very important 

    Nobody can survive without it. 

    With water, we can do a lot of things.

    For example, we can drink and  cook. 

    In water, we can do a lot of leisure activities.

    For example, in Martinique, we can go swimming, sailing, fishing, rowing… 

    In Martinique, there is a lot of water, in oceans, or in rivers.

    A lot of fish, with beautiful colours, live in the sea of Martinique. 

    There are marines turtles too! 

    There are taps in houses in Martinique because the sea is salty. 

    We went to Martinique twice in our lives that’s why we love the 

    waters of  Martinique ! 


    Caroline and Garance



                               ALL WE NEED IS                                 WATER !


     We took this picture on a school visit during the first week of March.

    It's a picture of the channel in front of the « Observatory » in Lavau-Sur-Loire.

    We can see beautiful colors like blue in the sky, purple, lignt blue and lignt red in the channel, with sunbeams reflecting on the water.

    Behind the channel, we can see tall grass and salt marshes.

    In the foreground we can see a wooden footbridge ( built by « Tadashi Kawamata », just as the « Observatory » was)

    We can see the skyline over us.

    When we took this picture there were lots of clouds except in the middle part of the sky where sunbeams could get through

    Pierre T , Adama MB.




     Why is water so precious for the seal ?

    This seal is a freshwater seal, water protects it.

    If we don't pay attention to the sources of water, people can pollute , and seals can die of suffocation , and there will be more water to live on and without water the seal can't survive.

    So for the protection of this seal and of its water source, we must be careful about pollution and protect this place because it's important to save freshwater not only for the seal but for everyone because everyone needs water to survive.

    So it's our duty to protect water.




    The photo was taken next to Saint-Malo, in Brittany. In the picture, you can see  a female seal.


    It was abandoned by its mother and immediately recovered by  “Oceanopolis “ in 2000, then it was fed for nearly six months by staff from the of Ocean Discovery Centre.


    Once weaned, " L9 " (that is the serial number it was given by Oceanopolis) was released in the bay of Mont Saint-Michel so that it could join the colony of seals in the region.


    Yet the seal chose never to stay away from humans and live in the Rance.


    So far, all attempts at reintroducing " L9 " in its natural environnement  have failed. 

    Today, the seal often comes to rest in " la Cal de Mordreuc " where proximity with humans is no problem since you can even get as close as one metre from it.

    Be careful though, the animal is wild and can prove dangerous if attacked.


    You’d better not touch it !




    Rose C 





                               ALL WE NEED IS                                 WATER !




     We built a pond to decorate the garden by putting plants and animals like fish, toads and frogs into water. 

    It’s a nice and sunny place to relax, we can stretch out, sitting on a long chair on a kind of little bridge.  

    But we have to clean the pond because leaves keep falling into the water.


    Victor J, Thomas S, Paco C. 


                               ALL WE NEED IS                                 WATER !



    Our picture is a waterfall because we think it's really majestic scenery.


    I took this picture in Guadeloupe . The waterfall is called the Lizard Waterfall and it's peaceful and quiet. When you're there you can just hear the birds sing and the waterfall flow . The water is very cold, like ice cubes in a freezer !


    Water is very important in the world because we need water to survive . We use it to drink and to cook. Water is very precious because our bodies are made up of 90% of water . We can't live more than 3 days without water .


    Clara and Audrey



                               ALL WE NEED IS                                 WATER !




     This is a picture of Sardaigna an Italian


    island next to Corsica where I spent my

    summer holidays : the sea and the

    landscapes are beautiful there and a lot

    of people sail or fish on this coast ; so

    we can imagine how important water is

    for this country, I think we

    also need water for our pleasure because

    when it's summer we look for

    sunny islands or coasts with

    beaches and oceans or seas,



    If you don't get the water you need, there are a lot of consequences :

    1st you can't use it for everything you do at home : washing-up,cooking,having a shower...

    Then, you can't do all the activities you like: canoeing, sailing, fishing...

    And the most important is that you can't drink, and, after 3 days without drinking, you die.

    So everybody has to understand that water is precious, and that you can't live without it because you use it everyday, so we all must protect it.  






    Look how it filled the oceans

    How it has inspired poets and explorers

    Water is the fear and love of sailors

    It's always changing its colour

    Christopher Columbus discovered America

    Thanks to the oceans he had to cross

    Water links the continents

    And brings us Together







    Our Planet is made up of   72% of water.

    It’s a precious resource but there are problems with water :

    -Global warming : the global warming is a problem  because the hotter it gets the less water there is.

    -Countries which haven’t  got enough water might not survive if  global warming continues. In Africa, for example, it’s already difficult.


    If ever water disappears then we will DIE..


    Water is also important to us because we need it for living. Our body is made up of 80% of water. We can’t survive more than three days without drinking.


    Water is used for cooking, fishing, growing food, washing. It is also used for pleasure, when we go canoeing, rowing, sailing or on boat trips.



     Inès MD




     Martin and Sami.

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